This was a particular project. Abhirup Roy, a very able tabla player from Kolkata in India, contacted me in spring 2017 asking me if I’m interested to make a project with him. I found it a very great idea and so we started the adventure.
In company with Marco Stagni, Andrea Polato, Max Castlunger and Marco dalle Luche we created a special mix of european and indian sound. The name of the project reflects this synergy. „Kolzano“ is a combination of „Kolkata“ and „Bolzano“.
Videos of the live presentation of the EP Black Sea
Interview Kolzano @ Radio Freier Fall (german/english)
Kolzano @ Radio Freier Fall vom 28-11-2019 by mannypardeller
Interview with Abhirup Roy and me about the project "Kolzano" in the radio show "Radio Freier Fall" by Reinhold Giovanett and Roland Leitner in Rai Südtirol.
All News about Kolzano

TODAY: Kolzano @ Sudwerk | 21:00
Hi people, today Kolzano continues the small concert series with a performance at Sudwerk. Where: Sudwerk/Batzenhäusl, BolzanoWhen: 21:00 Click here to get the position on Google Maps

TODAY: Kolzano @ Stanglerhof | 21:00
Hi people, today Kolzano starts the small concert series with the first gig at the now very well-known @Stanglerhof Where: Stanglerhof, St. Konstantin (Fié)When: 21:00 Important: If you would like to enjoy Heiner and Klara’s delicacies beforehand, please make a

Interview about Kolzano @ Rai Alto Adige – La musica che gira intorno
On August 22, 2020 the interview I gave a few weeks before was broadcast. Monika Callegaro and Luca Sticcotti wanted to know in the context of the programme „La musica che gira intorno“ how Kolzano came about and what it

TODAY: Interview with Manny Pardeller about Kolzano @ RAI RADIO 1 per il Trentino Alto Adige | 12:25
Hi people, a few weeks ago I gave an interview for the show „La musica che gira intorno“ with Monica Callegaro and Luca Sticcotti. This one’s airing today. If you miss the interview, you can listen to it as a

Kolzano’s „Black Sea“
am Freitag, den 29. November 2019 haben wir die EP (extendet play) Black Sea der Formation #Kolzano live im #Stanglerhof in St. Konstantin/Völs vorgestellt und veröffentlicht. Es war ein Abend mit fantastischem Publikum und emotionsgeladener Atmosphäre. Solltest du die Gelegenheit

TODAY: Kolzano @ Stanglerhof | 21:00
Hi people, this evening we will present live the EP „Black Sea“ of the international formation „Kolzano“ with Abhirup Roy (Tabla), Max Castlunger (percussion), Andrea Polato (drums), Marco Stagni (bass, today represented by Stefano Colpi), Marco Dalle Luche (piano) and
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