A list of the artists I play or played with
(The display is set to random. To find someone quickly, just use the browser’s search function).
Jack Alemanno
the most popular drummer in South Tyrol
Cristiano Giongo
creative bass and guitar player and drummer
Simon Wellenzohn
architect on trumpet with a great choir voice
Christian Ebnicher
accurate guitar player and great composer
Jürgen Winkler
creative head and the most precise player of bassguitar, guitar and electronics i know
Giovanni Chirichella
Innovative and creative piano player
Sabine „Sari“ Schubart
crazy and simpatico double bass player
Hannes Mock
Mr. Trombone!
Ulrike „Ulli“ Oberwanger
Versatile entertainer with a good voice, rocks the stage
Chiara Zammarchi
clear voice with a special sound
Franz Josef „Frenki“ Stofner
crazy and passional flamenco guitarist
Dagmar Kratzer
crazy and simpatico accordeon and piano player
Franz Sciullo
Absolutely versatile and reliable guitarist
Iose Russo
plays percussions far beyond mainstream